space, simplified

Australian developed solutions for space management, seamless bookings, insightful analytics, and enhanced team connections. Discover a smarter way to connect people with their environment. 

Desk Booking

Meeting Room Management










Integrated Ecosystem Of Technologies

Building innovative solutions that equip you with the right tools for effective space management.

Our solutions emphasise adaptability, assisting you in analytically managing and thoughtfully designing optimised workspaces.

Our strength lies in creating platforms that connect people to their environment, maximising the potential of every available technology and resource.

We build platforms that empower management to understand usage patterns, providing data and analytics for informed decisions that enhance efficiency and improve overall operations.

Trusted by

Your Gateway To a More Connected
And Productive Space


“Using this SaaS has transformed our user workflow. We couldn't be happier This is SaaS has simplified our data.”

Pedro Huard

Founder, Katmax

“Using this SaaS has transformed our user workflow. We couldn't be happier This is SaaS has simplified our data.”

Darron Kulikowski

Co-Founder, Brainca

“Using this SaaS has transformed our user workflow. We couldn't be happier This is SaaS has simplified our data.”

Leslie Alexander

CEO at Creativex

“Using this SaaS has transformed our user workflow. We couldn't be happier This is SaaS has simplified our data.”

Darron Kulikowski

Co-Founder, Brainca

“Very easy to use and set up is simple. I can easily provide live support to my website visitors in real-time.

Kristin Watson

Co-Founder, Brainca